The Mother as Guru: Understanding Her Sacred Role on Guru Purnima

a woman and child sitting on grass

गुरुणामेव सर्वेषां माता गुरुतरा स्मृता।

Meaning: Mother is considered the most important of all teachers

In Hinduism, the relationship between the guru and the disciple is considered one of the most revered and trustworthy bonds. If there is anyone to be worshipped after one’s parents, it is the teacher. Interestingly, the first teacher of a child is often regarded as the mother. She is the initial guide in the school of life, who plants the seeds of discipline and knowledge in her children.

The Role of Mother as the First Teacher

The mother is the one who imparts the understanding of good and evil to her child. She teaches the child the tricks of living in society, and it is from her that the young child first learns discipline. Through her language and pronunciation, the child acquires foundational language skills, which become the basis for his entire life.

a woman and child praying in a garden

While it may be impossible to fully repay the debt owed to our mothers, we can honor and serve them with our whole hearts. A mother instills Vedic rituals and values in her child, which helps the child to stand at the forefront of protecting religion and culture.

Mother as Guru in Hindu Scriptures

On the occasion of Guru Purnima, it is fitting to reflect on the importance of the mother as a guru in Hinduism. The Vedas, Puranas, Philosophy, Smritis, Epics, and Upanishads all accord the mother the same status as a guru. The Srimad Bhagavatam Purana mentions that the blessings received from serving one’s mother can remove the sufferings and sins of seven births. The emotional strength of the mother acts as a protective shield for the child. It is also stated in the Srimad Bhagavatam that the mother is the first teacher of the child.

The Story of Dhruva in Srimad Bhagavatam

A notable example from the Srimad Bhagavatam is the story of Dhruva. When King Uttanapada’s queen removed Dhruva from her lap, Dhruva’s mother consoled him by saying, “Son, this is worldly delusion and illusion. The greatest lap is that of the God who created the universe, and all are equal to Him.” Inspired by his mother’s words, Dhruva sought enlightenment and went to meet God at the tender age of five, becoming a supremely devoted child of Lord Vishnu. This story illustrates that a mother’s guidance is paramount in life, and she is indeed our true teacher. There is no greater teacher than a mother.

‘अथ शिक्षा प्रवक्ष्यामः मातृमान् 

पितृमानाचार्यवान पुरूषो वेदः।’

Meaning: Only when some has 3 great teachers – Mother, Father and Guru will he become a great human.

The Broader Role of Teachers in Society

In society, teachers play an essential role in providing leadership, education, and guidance. They help us learn new skills and show us the right path toward our goals. However, for many, the real teacher may be their mother. She is the one who shapes our lives from the very beginning.

‘नास्ति मातृसमा छाया, नास्ति मातृसमा गतिः।

 नास्ति मातृसमं त्राण, नास्ति मातृसमा प्रिया।।’

The mother, as the first guru, holds an exalted position in Hinduism. Her teachings and guidance lay the foundation for a child’s future. As we celebrate Guru Purnima, let us acknowledge the profound impact of our mothers and honor them for their invaluable contributions to our lives. Mother is life, and she is the first teacher who shapes our existence.