The mysterious world of Women Naga Sadhus: Know the process and rules of becoming Naga Ascendant

How to become Mahila Naga Sadhu?

To become a woman Naga monk, one has to follow a very rigorous process. A woman has to prove her guru by sacrificing materialistic things in a complete way for 10-15 years before becoming Naga Sanyasini. By this a women proves to her guru that she is now ready to walk on the difficult path of vairagya. This harsh practice not only test your physical being but also tests for mental being as well.

What is the life of a female Naga sadhus?

mahila naga sadhu kya khati hain
Credit: OPIndia

The life of a woman Naga monk is full of difficult rules. She fully abandons worldly life and adopts spiritual life. Her entire day goes in worshiping gods and in meditation. She worships Goddess Kali along with worshiping Shiva and Parvati. They have to do all this with great discipline.

Hard test to become a woman Naga Sadhu

To become a woman Naga Sadhvi a women is asked to do her pind dan and to shave her head. All this symbolizes the fact that she is now ready to abandon her old worldly life and move forward on a new spiritual life. The above mentioned things are very important before becoming a female naga sadhvi.

Why is woman Naga sadhus called ‘Mata’?

mahila naga sadhu banne ke niyam
Credit: Nedrik News

When female sadhus gain spiritual knowledge after doing so much sacrifice, penance, then all the Naga sanyasinis are addressed as “mata”. She is addressed as mata out of way of respect by other people.

If you want to know about Naga Sadhus, then read this article.

Clothing and rules: How are men Naga Sadhus different from Naga Sadhus?

Male Naga monks live in naked state but there is no such rule for women sadhus. All women Naga sadhus have to wear saffron colored clothes. This clothes should not be stitched, but there will be only one cloth that you wear in such a way that your whole body is covered with it. Apart from this, a “Mai Wada” is made for Naga sadhus during Maha Kumbh, where she lives together.

Credit: Zee News India

The Diet and Food of Mahila Naga Sadhu

The diet of female Naga sadhus mainly consists of tubers, fruits, herbs and certain types of leaves. She wakes up in the Brahma Muhurta in the morning and chants “om namah shivay”, after a meal in the afternoon, she is again absorbed in meditation, and worships the Lord Dattatreya.

Rule of bathing Ganga for women Naga sadhus in periods

mahila naga sadhu kya pehanti hain
Credit: Bhaktvatsal

Women also participate in religious events like Kumbh, but there are some special rules for them. Since she wears saffron clothes, she can use small clothes during periods. During this time, she does not take bath in the Ganges, but completes her worship method by spraying Ganga water over her body.

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