Navratri Vrat Rituals: Rewards for Prosperity through MataRani’s Worship

essential items required for navratri vrat

Navratri Vrat holds immense significance in Hinduism as a sacred opportunity to worship Goddess Durga and seek her divine blessings. This fast is believed to bring not only worldly happiness and prosperity but also relief from all suffering. Devotees who observe this fast are rewarded with special blessings from Goddess Durga.

In this article, we will explore the story, rituals, and remarkable benefits associated with the Navratri Vrat.

Conversation between Brahma Ji and Rishi Brahspati

Rishi Brihaspati said: “O Brahma Dev, you are extremely wise, the foremost among those who know all scriptures and the four Vedas. O Lord! Kindly listen to my request and tell me why the Navratri vrat and festival are observed during the Shukla Paksha of Chaitra, Ashwin, and Ashadha months. What is the significance of this fast? How should it be observed? And who was the first to observe this fast?

Hearing Brihaspati’s question, Brahma replied: “O great sage, you have asked a very beneficial question for all living beings. Any human who remembers Mother Durga, the Sun God, and Lord Vishnu for fulfilling their desires is truly blessed.

This Navratri vrat grants all wishes. By observing this fast, those who desire children receive them, those who seek wealth gain it, those who crave knowledge obtain it, and those who seek happiness achieve it. The sick is healed, and prisoners are freed. There is no desire that cannot be fulfilled by observing this fast.

The person who, despite being blessed with a human body, does not observe this fast is deprived of parental care and suffers various miseries. They develop leprosy, lose limbs, and are unable to have children. Such a fool endures numerous sorrows. A heartless person who neglects this fast remains deprived of wealth and food and wanders the earth in hunger and thirst.

Married women who do not observe this Navratri Vrat suffer the loss of their husbands and face various hardships. If one cannot fast all day, they should eat once and recount the story of the Navratri fast with their family.

O Brihaspati! Let me tell you the sacred story of the first person who observed this fast.

Story of a Brahmin Girl-Sumati

A brahmin girl performing Navratri Vrat
© HarGharPuja

Brahma continued: “In a beautiful city called Peethat, there lived a Brahmin. He was a devotee of Goddess Durga and had a very beautiful daughter named Sumati. The Brahmin worshipped Durga daily, and Sumati would always be present during the rituals. However, one day, while playing with her friends, she missed the worship. Her father was furious at her carelessness and said, ‘You wicked girl! Since you did not participate in Durga’s worship today, I will marry you to a leprous and poor man.’

Hearing her father’s angry words, Sumati was deeply saddened and said, ‘O father! I am your daughter and completely under your command. Do whatever you wish. Marry me to a leprous or any other man of your choice, but I firmly believe that whatever is written in my fate will happen.’ Humans plan many things, but only fate decides what actually happens. Action is within a person’s control, but the results depend on destiny.

Hearing his daughter’s fearless words, the Brahmin’s anger only increased, and he married her to a leprous man. Furious, he said, Let’s see how you fare relying only on fate!’

Sumati performed Navratri Vrat

newly wed women worshipping ma durga
© HarGharPuja

After hearing her father’s harsh words, Sumati thought, ‘Oh, what misfortune! I am married to a leprous man.’ Pondering her fate, she left for the forest with her husband, where they spent a painful night in a desolate place. Seeing Sumati’s plight, Goddess Durga appeared before her, pleased by her past deeds, and said, ‘O poor Brahmani! I am pleased with you. Ask for any boon you desire, for I grant wishes when I am pleased.’

Hearing these words, the Brahmani asked, ‘Who are you, and why are you pleased with me? The Goddess replied, ‘I am Adi Shakti, the primordial energy. I am Brahmavidya, the Goddess of Knowledge, and Saraswati. I remove suffering and grant happiness to those whom I favor. O Brahmani! I am pleased with you due to the merits of your previous birth.’

The Goddess continued, ‘Listen to the story of your past life.

In your previous life, you were the wife of a Nishad (tribesman) and a devoted wife. One day, your husband committed a theft, and both of you were caught and imprisoned. You were given neither food nor water during the Navratri period, and thus, you observed the Navratri Vrat unknowingly. Pleased by the effects of this fast, I am granting you your desired blessings. Ask for anything you wish.’

Mata Rani blessed Sumati with Fortune

mata rani givng blessings to her devotees
© HarGharPuja

Hearing this, the Brahmani said, ‘If you are pleased with me, O Durga, I bow to you. Please cure my husband of his leprosy.’ The Goddess responded, ‘by my grace, he will be healed and shine like gold and by Goddess Durga’s grace, her husband’s leprosy was cured, and he became radiant like the moon. Overjoyed by her husband’s transformation, the Brahmani praised Durga for her power to remove suffering, grant wishes, and destroy evil.

Brahma concluded: “Thus, the Brahmani’s praise satisfied the Goddess. Durga promised her a wise, wealthy, and virtuous son named Udalaay. The Brahmani then requested to learn the method of the Navratri fast, and the Goddess described it in detail, explaining that performing this Navratri vrat removes all sins and leads to salvation. If one cannot fast the entire day, they should eat once. They should establish a Kalash, plant a sacred garden, and worship the forms of Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, and Mahasaraswati with proper rituals. Performing this fast as per the scriptures ensures the fulfillment of all desires. The merit earned during these nine days is incomparable, and the Navratri vrat grants the same benefits as the Ashwamedha Yajna.

Brahma concluded by saying, ‘This is the sacred significance of the Navratri fast. Those who observe it with devotion attain both worldly happiness and ultimate salvation.’ Brihaspati then thanked Brahma for sharing the divine story of Navratri, which grants unparalleled merit to all living beings.”

Navratri Vrat is a powerful way to bring new direction into your life and receive the divine blessings of Goddess Durga. This Navratri vrat not only strengthens devotion and faith but also brings happiness, prosperity, and peace of mind. If you too wish to reap the benefits of this sacred fast, take full advantage of this auspicious period and worship Goddess Durga with proper rituals.

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