The Tradition of Pitru Tarpan in Hinduism

Pind Daan, Tarpan, Shraddh, Pitru Paksh

In Hinduism, the worship of ancestors, known as “Pitru Tarpan,” holds a significant place. This ancient practice underscores the importance of paying respects to one’s ancestors and ensuring their contentment in the afterlife.

Significance of Pitru Tarpan

While parents are alive, it is the son’s duty to care for them. Even after their demise, the son’s responsibilities extend to performing rituals that ensure their satisfaction in the spiritual realm. The period from the full moon of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada to the new moon of the Krishna Paksha in Ashwin is known as Pitru Paksha. During these fifteen days, Hindus offer water to their ancestors and perform Parvan Shradh on their death anniversary. This ritual, performed with devotion for the satisfaction of deceased family members, is called Pitru Shradh.

Materials Used in Tarpan:

  1. Pure water
  2. Copper tumbler
  3. Kusha mat for sitting
  4. Pavitri made of Kusha (2 Kusha, 3 Kusha)
  5. Knot with root of Trikusha
  6. Large plate or bowl
  7. Raw milk
  8. Red and white flowers
  9. Flower garland
  10. Kusha
  11. Betelnut
  12. Barley
  13. Black sesame seeds
  14. Rice
  15. Janeu (sacred thread)
  16. Gamchha (towel)

Ensure all the materials are kept nearby before beginning the ritual.

Method of Performing Tarpan:

  1. Preparation:
    • Face east and kneel on the ground.
    • Place the sacred thread (Janeu) and towel on the left shoulder.
    • Tie the Shikha (tuft of hair) while reciting the Gayatri Mantra.
    • Apply Tilak (sacred mark) on the forehead.
    • Wear Kusha Pavitri (Paanti) on the ring finger of both hands.
  2. Sankalp (Resolution):
    • Take Trikusha, barley, rice, and water in your hand.
    • Recite the Sankalp (vow) to state your intention of performing the Tarpan.
  3. Tarpan for Dev, Rishi, and Pitra:
    • Begin by offering water to the deities (Dev Tarpan).
    • Follow with the offerings to the sages (Rishi Tarpan).
    • Conclude with offerings to the ancestors (Pitra Tarpan).

Each step of the Tarpan involves chanting specific mantras and following the procedures detailed in Hindu scriptures.

Om Vishnave Namah (ॐ विष्णवे नम:) (Recite Three times)

हरि: ॐ तत्सदद्यैतस्य श्रीब्रह्मणो द्वितीयपरार्धे श्रीश्वेतवाराहकल्पे वैवस्वतमन्वन्तरे अष्टाविंशतितमे कलियुगे कलिप्रथमचरणे जम्बूद्वीपे भरतखण्डे भारतवर्षे आर्यावर्तैकदेशे अमुकसंवत्सरे अमुकमासे अमुकपक्षे अमुकतिथौ अमुकवासरे अमुकगोत्रोत्पन्न: अमुक शर्मा (वर्मा, गुप्त:) अहं श्रीपरमेश्वरप्रीत्यर्थं देवर्षिमनुष्यपितृतर्पणं करिष्ये ।

Harih Om Tatsadadyaitasya (हरि: ॐ तत्सदद्यैतस्य) Shri Brahmano Dvitiyaparardhe (श्रीब्रह्मणो द्वितीयपरार्धे) Shri Shvetavaraha Kalpe (श्रीश्वेतवाराहकल्पे) Vaivasvata Manvantare (वैवस्वतमन्वन्तरे) Ashtavimshatitame Kaliyuge (अष्टाविंशतितमे कलियुगे) Kaliprathamacharane (कलिप्रथमचरणे) Jambudvipe (जम्बूद्वीपे) Bharatakhande (भरतखण्डे) Bharatavarṣhe (भारतवर्षे) Aryavartaika Deshe (आर्यावर्तैकदेशे) Amuka Samvatsare (अमुकसंवत्सरे) Amuka Mase (अमुकमासे) Amuka Pakṣe (अमुकपक्षे) Amuka Tithau (अमुकतिथौ) Amuka Vasare (अमुकवासरे) Amuka Gotraotpannaḥ (अमुकगोत्रोत्पन्न:) Amuka Sharma (Verma, Gupta) (अमुक शर्मा (वर्मा, गुप्त:)) Aham Shri Parameshvara Pritiyartham (अहं श्रीपरमेश्वरप्रीत्यर्थं) Devarshi Manushya Pitritarpanam Karishye (देवर्षिमनुष्यपितृतर्पणं करिष्ये)।

Take three kusha grass and recite the following mantra three times-

ॐ देवताभ्यः पितृभ्यश्च महायोगिभ्य एव च। नमः स्वाहायै स्वधायै नित्यमेव नमोनमः।

Om Devatabhyah Pitribhyashcha Mahayogibhyah Eva Cha । Namah Swahayai Swadhayai Nityameva Namo Namah 

After this, put white sandalwood, barley, sesame, rice, white flowers and basil leaves in a plate, then fill that vessel with water for offering. Then take the trikusha kept in it along with basil in the form of a capsule in the right hand and cover it with the left hand and invoke the gods.

Aahwan Mantra: Om Vishvedevas Aagat Shrunuta Mam (ॐ विश्वेदेवास ऽआगत श्रृणुता म ऽइम), Havam (हवम्)। Edam Varhinishidat (एदं वर्हिनिषीदत)॥

Meaning: ‘Oh Vishwadevagana! You all should come here, listen to our loving invocation and sit on this seat of kusha grass.

After invoking in this manner, offer a seat of kusha and drop it from the front knuckle (above the nail) of all the fingers of the right hand with the help of trikusha. That is, take one handful of sesame seeds, rice and water from the above mentioned bowl for Brahma and other gods from Devtirth and drop it in another bowl and keep reciting the name mantras of each of those gods as follows-

1. Tarpan to the Gods:

Om Brahmastripyatam (ॐ ब्रह्मास्तृप्यताम्)

Om Vishnustripyatam (ॐ विष्णुस्तृप्यताम्)

Om Rudrastripyatam (ॐ रुद्रस्तृप्यताम्)

Om Prajapatistripyatam (ॐ प्रजापतिस्तृप्यताम्)

Om Devastripyantam (ॐ देवास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Chandansi tripyantam (ॐ छन्दांसि तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Vedas tripyantam (ॐ वेदास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Rishayas tripyantam (ॐ ऋषयस्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Puranaacharyas tripyantam (ॐ पुराणाचार्यास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Gandharvas tripyantam (ॐ गन्धर्वास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Itaraacharyas tripyantam (ॐ इतराचार्यास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Samvatsarasavayavas tripyatam (ॐ संवत्सरसावयवस्तृप्यताम्)

Om Devyas tripyantam (ॐ देव्यस्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Apsarass tripyantam (ॐ अप्सरसस्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Devanugas tripyantam (ॐ देवानुगास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Nagas tripyantam (ॐ नागास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Sagaras tripyantam (ॐ सागरास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Parvatas tripyantam (ॐ पर्वतास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Saritas tripyantam (ॐ सरितस्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Manushyas tripyantam (ॐ मनुष्यास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Yakshas tripyantam (ॐ यक्षास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Rakshansi tripyantam (ॐ रक्षांसि तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Pishachas tripyantam (ॐ पिशाचास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Suparnas tripyantam (ॐ सुपर्णास्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Bhutani tripyantam (ॐ भूतानि तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Pashavas tripyantam (ॐ पशवस्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Vanaspatayas tripyantam (ॐ वनस्पतयस्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Oshadhayas tripyantam (ॐ ओषधयस्तृप्यन्ताम्)

Om Bhutagramashchaturvidhas tripyatam (ॐ भूतग्रामश्चतुर्विधस्तृप्यताम्)

2. Tarpan to the sage

Similarly, offer one handful of water to sages like Marichi etc. by reciting the following mantras.

Om Marichistripyatam (ॐ मरीचिस्तृप्यताम्)

Om Atristripyatam (ॐ अत्रिस्तृप्यताम्)

Om Angirastripyatam (ॐ अङ्गिरास्तृप्यताम्)

Om Pulastyastripyatam (ॐ पुलस्त्यस्तृप्यताम्)

Om Pulahastripyatam (ॐ पुलहस्तृप्यताम्)

Om Kratustripyatam (ॐ क्रतुस्तृप्यताम्)

Om Vashishthastripyatam (ॐ वसिष्ठस्तृप्यताम्)

Om Prachetastripyatam (ॐ प्रचेतास्तृप्यताम्)

Om Bhrigustripyatam (ॐ भृगुस्तृप्यताम्)

Om Naradastripyatam (ॐ नारदस्तृप्यताम्)

3. Human Tarpan

Face the north direction. Wear the sacred thread (Janeu) and gamchha around your neck like a garland. Sit straight and recite the following mantras twice each and offer two handfuls of water with barley to each divine person from Prajapatyatirtha (root of the little finger).

(The water has to be dropped down from the middle of the anjali formed by joining both the hands.)

Om Sanakastripyatam – 2 (ॐ सनकस्तृप्यताम् -2)

Om Sanandanastipyatam – 2 (ॐ सनन्दनस्तृप्यताम् – 2)

Om Sanatanastripyatam – 2 (ॐ सनातनस्तृप्यताम् -2)

Om Kapilasstripyatam – 2 (ॐ कपिलस्तृप्यताम् -2)

Om Asuristripyatam – 2 (ॐ आसुरिस्तृप्यताम् -2)

Om Vodhustripyatam – 2 (ॐ वोढुस्तृप्यताम् -2)

Om Panchashikhatripyatam – 2 (ॐ पञ्चशिखस्तृप्यताम् -2)

4. Ancestral Tarpan

Remove and keep aside the Pavitri and Trikusha worn on the ring finger of both hands

Now, wearing a new Pavitri on the index finger of both hands, place the root and front part of the Kusha named Motak facing south between the thumb and index finger, face south yourself.

Putting the left knee on the ground, in an Apasvyabhaav (keep the sacred thread on the right shoulder and take it down with the left hand), mix black sesame seeds in the water of the vessel and offer three handfuls of water from Pitri Tirtha (with the middle part of the thumb and index finger) for the divine ancestors while reciting the following mantras and sentences-

Om Kavyavadanalastripyatam Idam Satilam Jalam (Ganga Jalam Va) Tasmai Swadha Namah – 3 (ॐ कव्यवाडनलस्तृप्यताम् इदं सतिलं जलं गङ्गाजलं वा) तस्मै स्वधा नम: – 3)

Om Somastripyatam Idam Satilam Jalam (Ganga Jalam Va) Tasmai Swadha Namah – 3 (ॐ सोमस्तृप्यताम् इदं सतिलं जलं गङ्गाजलं वा) तस्मै स्वधा नम: – 3)

Om Yamastripyatam Idam Satilam Jalam (Ganga Jalam Va) Tasmai Swadha Namah – 3 (ॐ यमस्तृप्यताम् इदं सतिलं जलं गङ्गाजलं वा) तस्मै स्वधा नम: – 3)

Om Aryama Tripyatam Idam Satilam Jalam (Ganga Jalam Va) Tasmai Swadha Namah – 3 (ॐ अर्यमा तृप्यताम् इदं सतिलं जलं गङ्गाजलं वा) तस्मै स्वधा नम: – 3)

Om Agnishvatta: Pitarastripyantam Idam Satilam Jalam (Ganga Jalam Va) Tebhyah Swadha Namah – 3 (ॐ अग्निष्वात्ता: पितरस्तृप्यन्ताम् इदं सतिलं जलं गङ्गाजलं वा) तेभ्य: स्वधा नम: – 3)

Om Somapa: Pitarastripyantam Idam Satilam Jalam (Ganga Jalam Va) Tebhyah Swadha Namah – 3 (ॐ सोमपा: पितरस्तृप्यन्ताम् इदं सतिलं जलं गङ्गाजलं वा) तेभ्य: स्वधा नम: – 3)

Om Barhishada: Pitarastripyantam Idam Satilam Jalam (Ganga Jalam Va) Tebhyah Swadha Namah – 3 (ॐ बर्हिषद: पितरस्तृप्यन्ताम् इदं सतिलं जलं गङ्गाजलं वा) तेभ्य: स्वधा नम: – 3)

5. Yama Tarpan

Similarly, while reciting the following mantras, offer three handfuls of water with sesame seeds from Pitra Tirtha to the 14 Yamas too –

Om Yamaya Namah – 3 (ॐ यमाय नम: – 3)

Om Dharmarajaya Namah – 3 (ॐ धर्मराजाय नम: – 3)

Om Mrityave Namah – 3 (ॐ मृत्यवे नम: – 3)

Om Antakaya Namah – 3 (ॐ अन्तकाय नम: – 3)

Om Vaivasvataya Namah – 3 (ॐ वैवस्वताय नमः – 3)

Om Kalaya Namah – 3 (ॐ कालाय नम: – 3)

Om Sarvabhutakshayaya Namah – 3 (ॐ सर्वभूतक्षयाय नम: – 3)

Om Audumbaraya Namah – 3 (ॐ औदुम्बराय नम: – 3)

Om Dadhnaya Namah – 3 (ॐ दध्नाय नम: – 3)

Om Nilaya Namah – 3 (ॐ नीलाय नम: – 3)

Om Parameshtine Namah – 3 (ॐ परमेष्ठिने नम: – 3)

Om Vrikodaraya Namah – 3 (ॐ वृकोदराय नम: – 3)

Om Chitraya Namah – 3 (ॐ चित्राय नम: – 3)

Om Chitraguptaya Namah – 3 (ॐ चित्रगुप्ताय नम: – 3)

6. Human Ancestral Tarpan

After this, invoke the ancestors with the following mantra-

ॐ आगच्छन्तु मे पितर इवं ग्रहन्तु जलान्जलिम’

Om Agacchantu Me Pitar Evam Grahantu Jalanjalim

Meaning: O ancestors! Please come and accept the water offering.

‘O Agni! We establish you with the desire to perform your Yajna. We light you with the desire to perform Yajna. Desiring Havishy, ​​you also invite our ancestors who desire satisfaction to eat Havishy.’

After that, while pronouncing the name and lineage of your ancestors, offer three handfuls of water mixed with sesame seeds to each of them in the above mentioned manner-

Asmatpita Amukasharma Vasurupastripyatam Idam Satilam Jalam (Ganga Jalam Va) Tasmai Swadha Namah (अस्मत्पिता अमुकशर्मा वसुरूपस्तृप्यतांम् इदं सतिलं जलं (गङ्गाजलं वा) तस्मै स्वधा नम:) – 3

Asmatpitamaha: (Dada) Amukasharma Rudrarupastripyatam Idam Satilam Jalam (Ganga Jalam Va) Tasmai Swadha Namah (अस्मत्पितामह: (दादा) अमुकशर्मा रुद्ररूपस्तृप्यतांम् इदं सतिलं जलं (गङ्गाजलं वा) तस्मै स्वधा नम:) – 3

Asmatprapitamaha: (Parada) Amukasharma Adityarupastripyatam Idam Satilam Jalam (Ganga Jalam Va) Tasmai Swadha Namah (अस्मत्प्रपितामह: (परदादा) अमुकशर्मा आदित्यरूपस्तृप्यतांम् इदं सतिलं जलं (गङ्गाजलं वा) तस्मै स्वधा नम:) – 3

Asmimata Amuki Devi Vasurupa Tripyatam Idam Satilam Jalam Tasyai Swadha Namah (अस्मन्माता अमुकी देवी वसुरूपा तृप्यताम् इदं सतिलं जलं तस्यै स्वधा नम:) – 3

Asmatpitamahi (Dadi) Amuki Devi Rudrarupa Tripyatam Idam Satilam Jalam Tasyai Swadha Namah (अस्मत्पितामही (दादी) अमुकी देवी रुद्ररूपा तृप्यताम् इदं सतिलं जलं तस्यै स्वधा नम:) – 3

Asmatprapitamahi Paradadi Amuki Devi Adityarupa Tripyatam Idam Satilam Jalam Tasyai Swadha Namah (अस्मत्प्रपितामही परदादी अमुकी देवी आदित्यरूपा तृप्यताम् इदं सतिलं जलं तस्यै स्वधा नम:) – 3

After this, pour water from Pitri Tirtha nine times.

After this, turn towards east and sit facing the east. Now pour water while reciting the following shlokas

देवासुरास्तथा यक्षा नागा गन्धर्वराक्षसा: । पिशाचा गुह्यका: सिद्धा: कूष्माण्डास्तरव: खगा: ॥

Devasurastatha Yaksha Naga Gandharvarakshasa । Pishacha Guhyaka: Siddha: Kushmandastarava: Khaga ॥

जलेचरा भूमिचराः वाय्वाधाराश्च जन्तव: । प्रीतिमेते प्रयान्त्वाशु मद्दत्तेनाम्बुनाखिला: ॥

Jalechara Bhumichara: Vayvadharaashcha Jantava । Pritimete Prayantuashu Maddattenambunakhila ॥

नरकेषु समस्तेपु यातनासु च ये स्थिता: । तेषामाप्ययनायैतद्दीयते सलिलं मया ॥

Narkeshu Samastepu Yatanasu Cha Ye Sthita । Teshamapyayanayaitaddiyate Salilam Maya ॥

येऽबान्धवा बान्धवा वा येऽन्यजन्मनि बान्धवा: । ते सर्वे तृप्तिमायान्तु ये चास्मत्तोयकाङ्क्षिण: ॥

Ye’bandhava Bandhava Va Ye’nyajanmani Bandhava । Te Sarve Triptimayantu Ye Chasmattoyakangshina ॥

Meaning: ‘Gods, demons, Yakshas, ​​serpents, Gandharvas, demons, ghosts, Guhyakas, Siddhas, Kushmandas, trees, birds, aquatic creatures and air-dependent animals – may all of them get satiated quickly with the water I give. I give this water with the desire to nourish and calm those who are suffering in all the hells and the tortures there.

 Those who are not my relatives, who are my relatives in this birth, or who have been my relatives in some other birth, all of them and apart from these, those who wish to get water from me, may they also be satisfied with the water given by me.

ॐ आब्रह्मस्तम्बपर्यन्तं देवर्षिपितृमानवा:। तृप्यन्तु पितर: सर्वे मातृमातामहादय: ॥

Om Abrahmastambaparyantam Devarshipitrmanava । Tripyantu Pitara: Sarve Matrumatamahaday॥

अतीतकुलकोटीनां सप्तद्वीपनिवासिनाम्। आ ब्रह्मभुवनाल्लोकादिदमस्तु तिलोदकम् ॥

Atitakulakotinam Saptadvipnivasinam । A Brahmabhuvanallokadidamastu Tilodakam॥

येऽबान्धवा बान्धवास्च वा येऽन्यजन्मनि बान्धवा:। ते सर्वे तृप्तिमायान्तु मया दत्तेन वारिणा॥

Ye’bandhava Bandhavascha Va Ye’nyajanmani Bandhava । Te Sarve Triptimayantu Maya Dattena Varina ॥

Meaning: ‘All the living beings from Brahmaji to insects, and the Gods, sages, ancestors, human beings and ancestors of mother, maternal grandfather etc., may all of them be satisfied. All the ancestors born in the past millions of generations of my lineage, who reside anywhere within the seven islands up to Brahmaloka, may they receive this water mixed with sesame seeds given by me for their satisfaction. Those who are not my relatives, those who have been my relatives in this birth or in some other birth, may all of them be satisfied with the water given by me.

After that, wrap the shoulder cloth four times and dip it in water and bring it out and chant the following mantra:

Ye Ke Chasmatkule Jata Aputra Gotrino Mrita:।Te Gruhantu Maya Dattam Vastranispidanodakam ||

“ये के चास्मत्कुले जाता अपुत्रा गोत्रिणो मृता: । ते गृह्न्तु मया दत्तं वस्त्रनिष्पीडनोदकम्” 

While reciting this, turn left and squeeze the cloth on the ground to your left. Leave the Pavitri in the water in which tarpan has been performed.

(If there is any annual shraddha ceremony of a dead person in the house, then squeezing of the cloth should not be done.)

7. Bhishma Tarpan:

After this, facing south, just like in Pitra Tarpan, turning the sacred thread to the left and holding kusha grass in the hand, perform Tarpan for the child celibate Gangaputra Bhishma with water mixed with sesame seeds from Pitra Tirtha. The mantra for Tarpan for him is the following shloka-

Vaishagrapadagotray Sankritiprvaray Cha । Gangaputraya Bhishmay Pradasye’ham Tilodakam । Aputray Dadamyetatsalilam Bhishmavarmane

(वैयाघ्रपदगोत्राय साङ्कृतिप्रवराय च)। गङ्गापुत्राय भीष्माय प्रदास्येऽहं तिलोदकम्।अपुत्राय ददाम्येतत्सलिलं भीष्मवर्मणे)॥”

Arghya Daan (Donation):

Then sip water and do pranayam. Thereafter, after performing Yajnopaveet, fill a vessel with pure water and put white sandalwood, whole rice grains, flowers and tulsi leaves in it.

Then, in another vessel, make a six-petalled lotus with sandalwood and invoke and worship the gods including Brahma in the order of east and east and offer arghya to those worshipped gods with the water from the first vessel.

The following are the mantras for offering arghya-

Om Brahmane Namah (ॐ ब्रह्मणे नम:)।

Om Vishnave Namah (ॐ विष्णवे नम:)।

Om Rudraya Namah (ॐ रुद्राय नम:)।

Om Savitre Namah (ॐ सवित्रे नम:)।

Om Mitraya Namah (ॐ मित्राय नम:)।

Om Varunaya Namah (ॐ वरुणाय नम:)।

Then offer water to Lord Surya. Raise your hands and recite the mantra

Ehi Surya Sahasrasho Tejo Rashim Jagatpate (एहि सूर्य सहस्त्राशों तेजो राशिं जगत्पते)।

Anukampaya Mam Bhaktya Gruhanaghrya Divakarah (अनुकम्पय मां भक्त्या गृहाणाघ्र्य दिवाकरः)।

Then, while circumambulating, salute all the ten directions.

Om Prachyai Indraya Namah (ॐ प्राच्यै इन्द्राय नमः)।

Om Aagnya Agnayai Namah (ॐ आग्नयै अग्नयै नमः)।

Om Dakshinayai Yamaya Namah (ॐ दक्षिणायै यमाय नमः)।

Om Nairityai Nairitaye Namah (ॐ नैऋत्यै नैऋतये नमः)।

Om Paschimayai Varunaya Namah (ॐ पश्चिमायै वरूणाय नमः)।

Om Vayavyai Vayave Namah (ॐ वायव्यै वायवे नमः)।

Om Udichyai Kuberaya Namah (ॐ उदीच्यै कुबेराय नमः)।

Om Aishanyai Ishanaya Namah (ॐ ऐशान्यै ईशानाय नमः)।

Om Urdhvayai Brahmanai Namah (ॐ ऊध्र्वायै ब्रह्मणै नमः)।

Om Avachyai Anantaya Namah (ॐ अवाच्यै अनन्ताय नमः)।

In this manner, after saluting the directions and the deities, sit down and again offer water to the devatirtha with the mantra written below.

Om Brahmanai Namah (ॐ ब्रह्मणै नमः)।

Om Agnayai Namah (ॐ अग्नयै नमः)।

Om Prithivyai Namah (ॐ पृथिव्यै नमः)।

Om Aushadhibhyo Namah (ॐ औषधिभ्यो नमः)।

Om Vache Namah (ॐ वाचे नमः)।

Om Vachaspataye Namah (ॐ वाचस्पतये नमः)।

Om Mahadbhyo Namah (ॐ महद्भ्यो नमः)।

Om Vishnave Namah (ॐ विष्णवे नमः)।

Om Adbhyo Namah (ॐ अद्भ्यो नमः)।

Om Apampataye Namah (ॐ अपांपतये नमः)।

Om Varunaya Namah (ॐ वरूणाय नमः)।

Then apply the water of tarpan on the face and chant the mantra Om Achyutaya Namah three times.

Dedicate all the above tarpan rituals to God.

Om Tatsat Krishnarpanam Astu (ॐ तत्सद् कृष्णार्पण मस्तु)।

Note- If Tarpan is done in the river, then join both hands and fill them with water, raise them as high as the horns of cow and put Anjali in the water.

(Note: Consider the water bowl as the real ancestors and bow down to it. Pour the water under a tree in the garden.)

The ritual of offering to Gods, sages and ancestors is completed.