The First Incarnation of Lord Vishnu: Matsya Avatar

matsya avatar of lord vishnu

In Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu is one of the principal deities known as the preserver of the universe. He is often depicted as a kind and protective god, who takes various forms or “avatars” to save the world and its inhabitants from evil and chaos. Among his ten primary avatars, the first one is known as Matsya Avatar, which means “fish”

Let’s learn more about this incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

The Great Flood

The story of Matsya Avatar is closely connected with the ancient tale of a great flood that threatened to destroy all life on Earth. According to the legend, a long time ago, an evil demon named Hayagriva stole the sacred Vedas (ancient scriptures) from Brahma, the creator god. The Vedas contained knowledge essential for maintaining balance and order in the universe.

As Hayagriva fled, he hid the Vedas deep in the ocean. Without the Vedas, the world started to fall into chaos. To restore order and protect the sacred scriptures, Lord Vishnu decided to take the form of a fish, known as Matsya.

If you like to read the list of 10 incarnations of Shree Hari Vishnu, please click this link.

The Appearance of Matsya Avatar

bhagvan vishnu ka matsya avatar
Credit: Tirumala Tirupati Yatra

The story begins with a sage named Manu, who was performing his daily prayers and rituals by a river. As he was offering water, he noticed a small fish swimming close to him. The fish spoke to Manu and requested his protection, saying that it was in danger from larger fish. Feeling compassion, Manu placed the fish in a small jar.

However, the fish grew rapidly, and soon the jar became too small. Manu then moved the fish to a larger pot, but the fish continued to grow. Eventually, Manu released the fish into a lake, but even the lake could not contain it. Finally, Manu realized that this was no ordinary fish. The fish revealed itself to be Lord Vishnu and explained that a great flood was imminent.

Preparation for the Flood

Matsya instructed Manu to build a large boat and gather seeds of all plants, pairs of all animals, and the seven great sages (saptarishis) to preserve life on Earth. Manu, recognizing the divine presence, followed the instructions diligently and prepared for the flood. He worked tirelessly to build a sturdy boat and collected all that Matsya had advised.

As the waters began to rise, Manu, the sages, and the animals boarded the boat. Matsya appeared once again, this time in a colossal size, filling the vast expanse of the waters. The fish had a horn on its head, and Manu tied the boat to the horn using the serpent Vasuki as a rope. Matsya guided the boat through the turbulent waters, ensuring the safety of all aboard.

Rescuing the Vedas

As Matsya guided the boat through the turbulent waters, he assured Manu and the sages of their safety. During their journey, Matsya confronted Hayagriva, defeated him, and retrieved the stolen Vedas. Once the flood subsided and the waters receded, Matsya returned the Vedas to Brahma.

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The Rebirth of the World

Once the flood subsided and the waters receded, Matsya safely guided the boat to the highest peak of the Himalayas. Manu, the sages, and the animals disembarked, and life on Earth began anew. Matsya returned the Vedas to Brahma, ensuring that the knowledge necessary for the preservation of the universe was restored. The land flourished once again, and Manu became the progenitor of a new era of life.